On Friday, I decided it was time for full-court press potty training of the triplets, who prior to that time were moderately consistent with their alternating use and disregard of the potty. And what a ride it has been! Suffice it to say that we spend pretty much all day in the yard, running in and out of the house to the bathroom. I tried putting the potties outside, but there were too many complaints x3:
"It's too hoooot!" (there was only partial shade in the yard where I put the potties, and at that time, was the only shade)
Boy: "What's that in the potty"
Me: "It's a leaf."
Boy: "I don't liiiike it!"
Me: "It's fine."
Boy: "Noooo it's nooot!"
Need I say more? Plus, they're starting to give up their naps. It's an explosive combination.
Friday, which was Day 1 of the full-court press, nearly gave me a breakdown. For real. It's not hyperbole. Boy E peed every 10 minutes. All the books say to take the child to the potty every 20 minutes. But not Boy E. By the time I got his brothers off the potty, he had already peed through his underwear and/or peed on the floor (he didn't go back outside because he was waiting for his M&M reward). Between his accidents and those of the other boys, we were out of underwear by noon, which meant that I had three boys running in the yard wearing only t-shirts. And I had to use my naptime knitting time for a Target run to buy more underwear. They're getting better, however, the volume of laundry is starting to approach the volume we had when the boys were in the throes of reflux.
Things were so bad that when my husband called to let me know he was stopping on the way to get home and did I need anything, I told him, no, come home. And when he got home, he told me to leave the house. What a gift! I went to my parents, sat in the silence (they were out, too), knit my Colinette Jitterbug socks and listened to Dharmafey's Socks In the City podcast.
Now to the knitting. This is my reward for surviving the first day of the full court press:
YESSSSSS! I scored one of Piddleloop's Collaboration Sock Kits, and it is gorgeous! I can't wait to start--it is my incentive for finishing my Colinette Jitterbug socks. I've turned the heel and am working the gussett of the second sock, so I'm on my way. Actually, here it is inside one of my other Piddleloop project bags, which I love like crazy and think is the best small project bag ever:
I don't always like to be matchy-matchy, so the project bag and notions bag coordinate. And I love 'em! There's a little inside pocket I slip my row counter into, plus loops to hold my sock needles. Now I don't have to stick the ones not being used into the ball of yarn. They're just so cool, and the perfect size for a sock project, or gloves, too.
Piddleloop is a team of two sisters, and I've had a great time emailing with Jen. I had a bunch of questions before I bought my first two project bags, and she was totally cool. Then I ended up emailing her about some needle wallets: the idea is to be able to carry several sizes of sock needles with you when you're starting a project, so you don't have to bring your whole dpn case. Perfect for me! (That's what the flat rectangular thing is in the picture of the contents of the Collaboration Kit). Jen included a few extras: adorable pins, which are also used inside the project bag, a Zer0 stitch marker. And then, I got extra extras:
Perfect timing! One, I love accessories, and have been looking at tissue holders on etsy. Two, I just lost my keys, really lost them (I've had my keyring for 20 years, since I was a freshman in college, so that tells you about how I never lose my keys, and consequently, you can infer how challenging things are here for me to have lost my keys in my house and not found them). Also, my sister tried on the headband and it was just adorable! It's been nothing but a pleasure dealing with Piddleloop/Jen, and their products are fantastic!
On a different note, peony season is finally here. I love peonies, particularly the fragrant old hybrids. Neither my mother nor I have the old hybrids in our garden, but hers are still beautiful:
Mine just opened so hopefully I'll get some pictures.