Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yes, it's my birthday. We kicked off with a massage last night, a gift from the kids--who made me earn every second of that peaceful, relaxing hour! Baby Girl's holding up her end by keeping the fever down (with help from our friend Children's Motrin). I got "happy birthday" from everyone, including Baby Girl (yay!) when I came downstairs this morning.

I pretty much have the day off--woohoo! I had breakfast with Mom and Dad, and spent the morning knitting and catching up on The Office and Dancing With the Stars. I've been working on the Timberline sock and have come to a realization: it's pretty boring knitting roughly 7.5-9 inches of stockinette instep. I definitely need to work patterns in my socks. I'm thinking second sock syndrome is going to hit me, because I think first sock sock syndrome is sneaking up on me (it's probably not really sneaking, considering I started the sock in March).

Oh, and now I'm a Loopy Groupie! I'll have to take photos and post.

Back to the birthday. I returned home for post-children's nap birthday snacktime celebration. I got a yummy Carvel ice cream cake with Thomas the Tank Engine on it. I think only 3 children (maybe 2) cried when everyone sang "Happy Birthday," but it works! Ice cream cake for snack was a big hit! Then, my parents took the children out. So now, it's off for a little bit of knitting before the horde returns for dinner!

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