Yes, I know I finished the Heart socks last weekend, but I had that little problem of an extra 10-row repeat in there. So this morning, while camped out at Mom's, I ripped out to where I thought I should re-knit (about 20 rows down after the toe)) and...I didn't have the pattern! Ack! Looks like it will be Oscar knitting tonight. I forgot February is a short month. Yikes!
So instead of working on my knitting, I'm trolling knitting store websites and knitting blogs. In all fairness, I can't knit (yet) because I'm eating a sandwich for lunch. So look what I found at Holly Jo's blog,
one more row (aside from some good-looking knits and cool pictures of Alaska): a
visited states map! Here's mine:
create your own visited states mapHave fun!
Hi your mom told me to leave her a message here she visited my blog at blogger called knitabulls a few days ago and saw that I had also had problems on the kogui Daydreams Stroller Blanket which she was working on please pass this on to her if you would the problem is not in knitting in the back loops it is in the decreasing of the odd numbered rows starting with row #3 there is a problem from the start it should read as sl 1,skp,k56, *sk2p,k55; rep from * once more, k56, k2tog,p1. If you try and re-write the pattern on the odd rows you will see what I am talking about on row#3 and the other odd rows when they said rep from * they had the * in the incorrect area. It is unfortunate that they did not have someone go over the pattern to make sure that the math worked out I am finding this to happen more and more on patterns. I also checked on google to see if anyone else had problems with it and also e-mailed kogui but had never heard anything back so I just looked over it and figured it out I just hope that this is the only problems on this pattern and I have not worked on it but will get back to it soon. Please let me know if it works out for you I hope that I have helped you out with your problem.
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